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Looking to Set Up A Recycling Program In Arizona? There are Funds for That!


Arizona Department of Environmental Quality is there to get you started.

If you are looking to start a recycling program for your business or your community, here is a list of scholarships and grants provided by Arizona Department of Environmental Quality to get started:

  • Arizona Recycling Coalition provides a scholarship and small grant fund program.

  • Keep America Beautiful allows affiliates and other partner organizations to launch or enhance community greening, beautification, recycling, education and other community improvement initiatives (check website periodically for funding opportunities)

  • EPA provides financial assistance grants to qualified applicants to support a variety of environmental programs and activities

  • Closed Loop Fund is a social impact fund looking to increase the recycling of products and packaging while reducing greenhouse gas emissions, diverting waste from landfills and creating jobs (funding for municipalities and private businesses)

  • The Recycling Partnership creates tools and opportunities for assistance and guidance with operations and outreach

Check back often to the ADEQ for the latest news on these funds and more.


American Shredding offers recycling services to help you protect your product brand and do your part to protect the planet. We can shred on-site at your location or off-site at our secure plant.

Contact us for fast scheduling, friendly staff, 100% recycling and low prices. We offer services in Arizona, Texas, Oregon, Utah, and Washington states. See our list of cities here.

Need help with a recycling plan? Get a quote today!


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